The story is based on four childhood friends who go on a trip to Goa. Each have their own dream careers, and collaborate to make a short film.
Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi is a story of 4 friends who have aspirations but are pretty laid-back about them, opting for career choices that are easier and more conventional. Karthik is a manager of a club and has agreed to his boss’s offer of marrying his daughter and owning a Club in the US. Vivek has been sulking over his break-up for 4 years. He wears dark sunglasses so people can’t see the pain in his eyes, or so he says. Kaushik is an aspiring actor, who works as a dubbing artist for a Telugu version of a NatGeo show. His dubbing portions are particularly hilarious. There’s the fourth friend, Upendra who is a wedding photographer. None of them love what they do. Vivek, a sullen character trying to get out of a break-up for 4 years, had written a love story for a short film they planned to make. But after the breakup he refuses to make a love story. He needs inspiration to write a Love story and is in no mood to love or write a love story after the breakup.They happen to go on a Goa trip, where, a succession of incidents lead them to their original love, Short films. They set out to realize their dream of making a short film and submitting it in a competition . Thankfully the film does not end with these friends winning the competition or becoming great filmmakers. Ultimate this is a coming of age film that is treated with flair. But this is a coming of age film without any character defining moments. We know the characters, we understand the characters but there is not a solid conflict in them that provides an opportunity for character building and story arc. The film is always on the run, never boring you and constantly keeping you engaged in the lives of the characters but the film never really takes off into greatness. The only exception to this is Vivek, who is alcoholic, depressed and stubborn. He has buried the creativity in him and the aspirations of being a Filmmaker are drowned out by copious amounts of alcohol. How he gets himself back on track is the only convincing arc that is explored. Karthik also gives up on his monitory aspirations and realizes his true passion but there is no conviction in the way this character is written. The conflict stopping him from taking up his passion is not clearly established. This results in some unconvincing emotional moments at the end, which don’t hit the spot.
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